City tower & old town hall

Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 21

Worth knowing

The city tower was built between 1442 and 1450 under Frederick IV, when Innsbruck slowly but surely began to develop into the leading city in Tyrol. The increasingly wealthy citizens of Innsbruck and the sovereign wanted to demonstrate their new-found self-confidence. In 1560, the bulky tower was topped with an onion-domed roof, the so-called Augsburg bonnet. This form was very fashionable, as Augsburg was one of the most important cities in Europe at the time as the home and business centre of the merchant family of Jakob Fugger.

But the city tower was not just an expression of Innsbruck's vanity. On the ground floor was the bread bank, a joint sales outlet for all Innsbruck bakers under the supervision of the city authorities. On the first floor was a prison. From the platform above, the tower guard had to keep an eye out for danger, monitor the city and, above all, sound the alarm in the event of a fire. Another task of the tower guard was to announce the time. Unlike today, not every citizen had a watch on their wrist. The special thing about time in the Middle Ages was that it was different in every village. Innsbruck had a different time to Hall or Schwaz. It was only with industrialisation and the railway that a synchronised understanding of time became important. Service and timetables made it necessary to reinvent time.

The red building flanking the town tower is the old town hall, seat of the town council and the mayor. The market supervisors also sat in the town hall. The city government supervised the goods on offer and their quantity and quality. The bread was sold by the "Bred guardian" was weighed in the bread bank in the town hall to prevent usury, which was a punishable offence. A relief on the façade commemorates the confirmation of the town charter in 1239. The plaque was added in 1939 to mark the 700th anniversary of this event. The costumes of the figures depicted are not a depiction of the actual fashion of Innsbruck's bourgeoisie in the 13th century, but provide information about what was seen as the German ideal of the German city of Innsbruck in the early days of National Socialism.

Today's town hall with its offices is located in Maria-Theresien-Straße, where the city administration, catering and shopping facilities are combined in a covered gallery to form a kind of modern citizens' forum. The city tower offers a great opportunity to view the old town from above. At a height of 55 metres, you can feel like a medieval tower guard and look out over the entire old town. Especially the view of Helblinghaus und Goldenes Dachl and the Nordkette mountain range in the background provide the backdrop for a very special photo.

Big City Life in early Innsbruck

After hundreds of years, Innsbruck had developed from a Roman castle into a town. This legal recognition by the sovereign was accompanied by rights and duties: market rights, building rights, customs rights and its own jurisdiction were transferred to the city. The town also monitored compliance with religious order. "Heretics" and dissenters were not reprimanded by the church but by the city government and, in some cases, even sent to prison. The citizens of the city were no longer directly subject to the sovereign, but to the city's jurisdiction, at least within the city walls. The popular saying "Stadtluft macht frei" was due to the fact that after one year in the city, one was free of all obligations to one's former landlord. In return, the citizens had to take the oath of citizenship. This oath included the payment of taxes and the military defence of the town. From 1511, the city council was, according to the Landlibell Emperor Maximilian was also obliged to provide a contingent of conscripts for the defence of the country. In addition to this, there were volunteers who Freifähnlein For example, during the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1529, Innsbruckers were among the city's defenders.

Innsbruck had a completely different social composition to the neighbouring villages. Craftsmen, merchants, civil servants and court servants characterised everyday life. Unlike farmers, craftsmen belonged to the mobile classes in the Middle Ages and early modern times. After their apprenticeship, they went to the Walzbefore taking the master craftsman's examination and either returning home or settling in another city. Craftsmen not only transferred knowledge, they also spread cultural, social and political ideas across Europe. The craft guilds sometimes exercised their own jurisdiction alongside the municipal jurisdiction among their members. They were social structures within the city structure that had a great influence on politics. Wages, prices and social life were regulated by the guilds under the supervision of the sovereign. One could speak of an early social partnership, as the guilds also provided social security for their members in the event of illness or occupational disability. Individual trades such as locksmiths, tanners, platers, carpenters, bakers, butchers and blacksmiths each had their own guild, headed by a master craftsman.

In the 15th century, space became tight in the rapidly growing city of Innsbruck under Maximilian I. Only free subjects born in wedlock were able to obtain city rights. Not everyone was allowed to move into the city. To become a citizen of the city, you had to either own a house or have skills in a trade in which the city's guilds were interested. The dispute over who is a "real" Innsbrucker and who is not continues to this day. The fact that migration and exchange with others have always guaranteed prosperity and made Innsbruck the liveable city it is today is often forgotten.

From the 14th century, Innsbruck demonstrably had a city council and a mayor who was elected annually by the citizens. These were not secret but public elections, which were held every year around Christmas time. In the Innsbrucker Geschichtsalmanach von 1948 findet man Aufzeichnungen über die Wahl des Jahres 1598.

The Feast of St. Erhard, i.e., January 8th, played a significant role in the lives of the citizens of Innsbruck each year. On this day, they gathered to elect the city officials, namely the mayor, city judge, public orator, and the twelve-member council. A detailed account of the election process between 1598 and 1607 is provided by a protocol preserved in the city archive: "... The ringing of the great bell summoned the council and the citizenry to the town hall, and once the honorable council and the entire community were assembled at the town hall, the honorable council first convened in the council chamber and heard the farewell of the outgoing mayor of the previous year, Augustin Tauscher."

The mayor represented the city vis-à-vis the other estates and the sovereign, who exercised overlordship over the city to a greater or lesser extent depending on the era. Each city councillor had their own clearly assigned tasks to fulfil, such as the supervision of market law, the care of the hospital and poor relief or the customs regulations, which were particularly important for Innsbruck. In all these political processes, one should always remember that Innsbruck had around 5,000 inhabitants in the 16th century, only a small proportion of whom had citizenship. The dispossessed, travellers, unemployed, servants, diplomats, employees, women and students were not entitled to vote. Voting was a privilege of the male upper class.

From the 14th century onwards, the taxes paid by the citizens no longer had to be passed on to the sovereign. There was a fixed levy from the city to the sovereign. The city government itself could determine which group within the city had to pay which tax. The city was allowed to manage the difference between income and expenditure as it saw fit. In addition to defence, expenditure included the care of the poor. Citizens in need could go to the "Boiling kitchen" meals, if they had the civil right.

In addition to taxes, customs duties were an important source of income for Innsbruck. Customs duties were levied at the city gate at the Inn bridge. There were two types of customs duty. The small duty was based on the number of draught animals in the wagon, the large duty on the type and quantity of goods. The customs revenue was shared between Innsbruck and Hall. Hall had the task of maintaining the Inn bridge.

Contrary to popular belief, the Middle Ages were not a lawless time of arbitrariness. In Innsbruck, as well as in the province of Tyrol, there was a code that regulated right and wrong as well as the rights and duties of citizens very precisely. These regulations changed according to the customs of the time. The medieval court days were organised at the "Dingstätte" is held outdoors. The tradition of the Thing goes back to the old Germanic Thingwhere all free men gathered to dispense justice. The city council appointed a judge who was responsible for all offences that were not subject to the blood court. Punishments ranged from fines to pillorying and imprisonment.

The penal system also included less humane methods than are common today, but torture was not used indiscriminately and arbitrarily. However, torture was also regulated as part of the procedure in particularly serious cases. Until the 17th century, suspects and criminals in Innsbruck were Kräuterturm at the south-east corner of the city wall, on today's Herzog-Otto-Ufer. There was no police force, but the town magistrate employed servants and town watchmen were posted at the town gates to keep the peace. It was a civic duty to help catch criminals. Vigilante justice was forbidden.

The regional court still had to rule on serious offences. Crimes such as theft, murder and arson were subject to this blood law. In the case of Innsbruck, the provincial court was on the Sonnenburgwhich was located south above Innsbruck. From 1817 - 1887 the Leuthaus the seat of the court judge at Wilten Abbey.

From the late 15th century, Innsbruck's executioner was centralised and responsible for several courts and was based in Hall. The execution centres were located in several places over the years. For a long time, there was a gallows on a hill in today's Dreiheiligen district, right next to the main road. The Köpflplatz was located until 1731 at today's corner of Fallbachgasse / Weiherburggasse in Anpruggen. It was not uncommon for the condemned man to give his executioner a kind of tip so that he would endeavour to aim as accurately as possible in order to make the execution as painless as possible. Delinquents who were particularly harmful to the authorities and public order, such as the "heretic" Jakob Hutter or the captured leaders of the peasant uprisings of 1525 and 1526, were executed before the executioner. Goldenen Dachl executed in a manner suitable for the public. "Embarrassing" punishments such as quartering or wheeling, from the Latin word poena were not the order of the day, but could be ordered in special cases. Executions were a public demonstration of the authorities' power. It was seen as a way of cleansing society of criminals. The bodies of the executed were often left hanging as a deterrent and buried outside the consecrated area of the cemeteries.

With the centralisation of law under Maria Theresa and Joseph II in the 18th century and the General Civil Code in the 19th century under Franz I, the law passed from cities and sovereigns to the monarch and their administrative bodies at various levels. Torture was abolished. The Enlightenment had fundamentally changed the concept of law, punishment and rehabilitation. The collection of taxes was also centralised, which resulted in a great loss of importance for the local nobility and an increase in the status of the civil service. With the increasing centralisation under Maria Theresa and Joseph II, taxes and customs duties were also gradually centralised and collected by the Imperial Court Chamber. As a result, Innsbruck, like many municipalities at the time, lost a large amount of revenue, which was only partially offset by equalisation.

Friedl with the empty pocket

The Tyrolean prince Frederick IV (1382 - 1439) lived during a turbulent period in the history of the Habsburgs and Innsbruck. The key dates of his life would be suitable material for an adventurous medieval film. At the age of 24, Frederick took over the county of Tyrol as well as the regency of Vorderösterreich. Vorderösterreich? So Vorarlberg? Not quite. The term "Vorderösterreich" referred to the Habsburg possessions in Switzerland, Vorarlberg, Alsace and Baden-Württemberg, among others. Tyrol and Vorderösterreich had been administered together since Frederick as Upper Austria. This made him one of the most powerful princes of the Heiligen Römischen Reiches. From the very beginning, he was involved in costly wars and conflicts against external opponents as well as competition within the Holy Roman Empire. Appenzell rebels in what is now Switzerland, an inner-Tyrolean feud with Henry of Rottenburg and an uprising in Trento were among the last to be led by armies of pure knights.

Like his predecessor in the princely chair, Margaret, Frederick also came into conflict with the Pope. In addition to a pope in Rome, there was also a pope in Avignon, France. Frederick sided with John XXIII. The King of the Holy Roman Empire Sigismund from the Luxembourg dynasty, who backed the antipope in Avignon, had his rival within the empire, Frederick, honoured with the Eight and imprisoned. This meant not only deprivation of liberty, but also the loss of his lands and exclusion from the church. After an adventurous escape from prison, Frederick returned to Innsbruck and had to grant reforms to the population, especially the landowning petty nobility, who supported him, and the towns. In addition to the clergy, the nobility and the towns, Frederick's change in the law also allowed the courts, which were responsible for the administration of the rural communities, to send their representatives to the Diet. His opponents gave him the nickname Friedl mit der leeren Tasche.

This nickname remained in the vernacular, even though at the end of his reign he was one of the richest princes in Europe of his time thanks to the rich silver finds in Schwaz and Gossensass as well as customs duties and tolls on trade between Venice and Augsburg. The social structure in Innsbruck was also influenced by the silver discoveries and the associated mining industry in nearby Schwaz. The power of the guilds increased. Although Innsbruck was dependent on the surrounding area for food supplies, the growing prosperity of the city made it easier to manoeuvre through this time of crisis than in purely rural areas. When Frederick died, Tyrol had risen to become an important state within the Habsburg Empire thanks to the silver discoveries in Schwaz, which was the largest mine in Europe.

Although Innsbruck had grown, it was still a small town. The main reason why he is still known in Innsbruck today is his decision to make the city his residence in 1420. Merano had been the ancestral seat of the Counts of Tyrol and remained the official Tyrolean capital until 1849, when Innsbruck took the lead, at least since Frederick's move. The arcades in Herzog-Friedrich-Straße were built during his reign. Throughout Europe, the 15th century was an economically difficult time, characterised by poor harvests due to the generally worse climate than in previous periods. However, thanks to trade and the impetus provided by the relocation of the royal household, Innsbruck flourished against the European trend. With the court came officials, servants, merchants, financiers and soldiers who brought money into the city. Above all, the craft guilds were to become the economic engine and the basis for the later early industrial production. It is difficult to say what specific effect the relocation of the residence had on Innsbruck's population. However, Frederick's court brought a new social structure with its new way of doing business. Inns opened and offered variety in everyday life. Travelling theatres and show artists came to the city. As in many European cities in German-speaking countries, urbanisation spilled over from the Italian countries and brought a specialisation of the professional world and an even greater division of labour. The influx and changes also caused problems. The xenophobia of the superstitious, often illiterate and poorly educated population did not decrease at the same rate as the conditions changed. Social tensions between long-established and new citizens, craftsmen, merchants, farmers and members of the court were part of everyday life in Frederick's Innsbruck.