

A historical press reviewOpinions and attitudes are influenced to a large extent by the media we are exposed to. The following articles have been selected as randomly as possible to give an impression of the press landscape, which...

Die Macht der Geographie

The power of geography

Innsbruck's city history is strongly influenced by a number of non-negotiable or even changeable factors.

Glaube, Kirche, Obrigkeit und Herrschaft

Believe, Church and Power

The abundance of churches, Christian buildings, monuments and symbols in Innsbruck's public spaces is astonishing for many visitors from other countries.

Big City Life im frühen Innsbruck

Big City Life in early Innsbruck

Innsbruck, today a self-proclaimed cosmopolitan city, had developed from a Roman castle to a monastery to a market settlement to a town.

Siegmund der Münzreiche

Siegmund der Münzreiche

One of the most popular Habsburgs in Innsbruck's history bears the nickname "the rich in coin"

Der Innsbrucker Hexenprozess von 1485

The Innsbruck witch trial of 1485

In 1485, a curiosity took place in Innsbruck that was to have a major impact on a dark chapter in European history for centuries to come.