The military cemetery in Amras is a little-noticed monument to the most important chapters of 20th century European history in the Innsbruck cityscape. The cemetery was established in 1917 during the First World War, when there were too many war victims for the Old Pradl Military Cemetery. As was customary at all times, the cemetery was laid out as far away from the city centre as possible. At that time, Amras was still an independent municipality and not part of Innsbruck. 5,680 soldiers and war victims of many nations are buried here, many of whom died in military hospitals. The location of the military cemetery was also practical, as since 1911 the Conrad barracks with a military hospital just a few minutes' walk to the south. Most Tyrolean men know this building from the military muster, often the first encounter outside of school with the state authorities in a young man's life.
The different parts of the complex are particularly interesting. The eastern entrance to the military cemetery is decorated with a wrought-iron emblem of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with the coats of arms of Hungary and Austria, the two parts of the Dual Monarchy, even though the motto is Indivisibiliter et InseperabiliterThe term "indivisible and inseparable" has no longer applied since the end of the war. Behind it, the Italian section of the cemetery welcomes visitors with a large stone monument by the Italian sculptor Natale Tommasi.
As a Trentino, Tommasi had still been a subject of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the war, but after the war he became an Italian. He worked as a restorer and architect in several parts of the Habsburg Empire, such as Trieste and Pula, before moving to Innsbruck in 1898, where he also designed the main post office in Maximilianstraße. He was honoured for his work by the Pope as well as being awarded the Austrian Franz-Joseph-Orden honoured. Tommasi's biography is one of many that suffered a caesura during the political turmoil of the First World War and the collapse of the multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire.
This part of the Amras military cemetery can also be read in this sense. Innsbruck was occupied by troops of the victorious Kingdom of Italy after the First World War. In Italian, German and Latin, the memorial designed by Tommasi commemorates the 618 Italians, 178 Austrians and 2 French victims of the fighting between 1914 and 1918 as well as the 20 Italian victims of the Second World War who lie in this part of the cemetery. The crown and the Savoy knot on the monument symbolise the rule of the Italian royal family. For centuries, it was the Habsburgs who had left their mark on large parts of Italy, but now the tables had turned.
The Tyrolean section of the cemetery adjoins the Italian section to the west. In addition to fallen soldiers from the First World War, there are also graves of honour from the Napoleonic Wars of 1796-97 and 1799, many of which have come a long way. When the local war cemetery in Stams, a town 40 km west of Innsbruck, had to make way for the newly built motorway in 1983, the graves were moved to Innsbruck. The following year, 175 years after the Tyrolean uprising of 1809, a new altar was consecrated next to these graves. Most of the wrought-iron crosses were probably mass-produced at the time, but today they look like small works of art. It is interesting to see how many nations men from back then fought for the Austrian monarchy in the war of defence against Napoleon. Unknown soldiers also found their final resting place here.
At the back is the men's pieta "Monument to the unnamed buried" by sculptor Eduard Föderl (1909 - 1974) is a controversial work of art. During the Austrofascist era, this stone composition was created to commemorate the fallen of the First World War. It symbolises heroic suffering and sacrifice during the war by placing the heroic death of a soldier for the fatherland on a par with the death of Jesus on the cross. It was intended as a gift from the city of Vienna to Budapest. At the time, both Austria and Hungary modelled themselves on Mussolini's fascist Italy, where many similarly designed war memorials still stand in public spaces today. The handover failed in 1938 due to the National Socialist takeover. In 1953, the monument was moved to Innsbruck after no place could be found for it in Soviet-occupied Vienna. Around the year 2000, the Männerpieta was moved to the building yard and restored. In 2023, the statue, which is controversial due to its symbolism of heroic death for the fatherland, was re-erected at the military cemetery.
Im westlichsten Teil der Anlage befinden sich der muslimische und sowjetische Soldatenfriedhof. Die Gräber der bosnisch-herzegowinischen Soldaten, die für die K.u.K. Monarchie im Ersten Weltkrieg kämpften, werden von kleinen, nach Osten hin orientierten Steinkegeln mit einem Fez verziert. Der russische Teil des Friedhofs wurde 1949 angelegt. Er erinnert an die sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen, die im Arbeitslager KZ Reichenau ihr Leben verloren. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein mit einem Stern verzierter Obelisk. Die Pflege sowjetischer Kriegsdenkmäler wurde nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg als Pflicht der Republik Österreich als Teil der Unabhängigkeit Österreichs als Bedingung der Sowjetunion festgelegt und gilt bis heute.
The Pradler cemetery, the largest in the city, and the crematorium are located to the north of the military cemetery. The complex was planned by Eduard Klingler in 1912. The funeral parlour and crematorium are enthroned like a small castle in front of Kaufmannstraße. The building looks as if it has been transported to Innsbruck from a Charles Dickens novel set in Victorian England. The entrance area was designed in the style of the time with neoclassical columns. Inside there is a depiction of Jesus being taken down from the cross. The peaceful manner of the mural is very different from the other baroque depictions common in Innsbruck, in which the suffering on the cross for Christianity is expressed.
Integrated into the cemetery wall on the south side opposite, the crypt chapel commemorates the fallen soldiers who were laid to rest here until 1917. It was designed by Theodor Prachensky. The interior of the chapel is a small work of art. The dark blue mosaic with gold bears the inscription: Gewidmet dem Andenken an die in diesem Friedhof beerdigten Opfer des Weltkriegs. An den Wänden finden sich Namenslisten, getrennt nach den Jahren ihres Dahinscheidens. Die Namen serbischen, rumänischen und montenegrinischen Gefallenen, also den Soldaten, die nicht Teil der k.u.k. Armee waren, wurden gesondert auf eigenen Tafeln vermerkt. Die Tafel auf der Außenmauer nach Süden hin zur Wiesengasse wird von einem Eichelkranz, einem Symbol des Großdeutschtums, geschmückt. Der Text darauf lautet:
„Vergesset nie, dass die Freiheit eurer Heimat nicht ein Geschenk des Himmels allein ist, sondern immer wieder mit schweren Blutopfern eurer Väter, Großväter und Ahnen gegen frevelhaften Zugriff fremder Machthaber verteidigt werden musste.“
The crematorium south of the military cemetery was only opened in Innsbruck in the noughties of this millennium. When the Enlightenment took hold of Europe's elites like a second Renaissance in the 18th and 19th centuries, more and more people began to question burial in the ground. It became fashionable to be cremated after death according to the ancient model. It was not only seen as sensible, space-saving and hygienic, but also had a touch of modernity about it. However, the Catholic Church did not approve of this unchristian, pagan, almost pagan type of burial for a very long time. In Innsbruck, it would be several centuries before it was possible to consign one's mortal remains to the flames.